Snaps From The Getty
I was at The Getty Museum in Los Angeles this past week and absolutely loved it. Not only did they have some fabulous collections (Monet, Renoir, Manet, Degas, Rembrandt) but admission is FREE. I've never encountered a museum of this calibre opening itself up to the public in such an egalitarian fashion. Pretty awesome. And while the collections are impressive, so are the grounds. The garden and public spaces are picturesque and offer fabulous views of LA. Go check it out on your next visit to LA - and grab a bite at one of their three restaurants/cafes. Food is reasonable and delicious.
Photo: The Vancouverite
Photo: The Vancouverite
Photo: The Vancouverite
Photo: The Vancouverite
Photo: The Vancouverite
Photo: The Vancouverite
Photo: The Vancouverite